If your memory serves you, you might recall a mini-unblocking episode we did with a Pathway member named Marina a few weeks back. She did a session with Lacy and Jess where they helped her navigate a dwindling savings account in her career as an illustrator. Well, folks. Marina’s story has come full circle, and she’s back on the pod today to make you say “DANG I need to get back into this work!” You’re about to be mind-blown by the TBM magic all over again when you hear how Marina has fully embraced this lifestyle. Cause that’s really what this work is! It’s a never-ending practice of self-reflection, and for Marina that practice means letting go of perfectionism, getting radically honest with herself, and learning to identify and work with her ego. You’re gonna hear about how Marina discovered TBM, her “Great Uplevel of 2021”, and a list of all the absolutely insane things she’s manifested with us. And listen, if you really want to feel amazed, go check out her first episode, ‘Expanded x Ep. 244 - What To Do When Your Career Flow Dries Up: Unblocking Ego’. You’ll see how your own manifestation journey is playing out in real-time – like, right now – and you can start to daydream about your own manifestations you’ll connect with when you start to get into the flow of this practice. We love Marina’s story because she has captured the essence of what it means to be a true TBMer and get really good at manifestation.
A catchup conversation with Pathway member Marina!
Manifestation updates since her last appearance on the podcast
Marina’s recent manifestations, including: a new aligned studio space, uplevels in career and relationship, increased salary, new friends and MUCH more!
The energetics of the higher and magnetic selves
How she initially discovered TBM
Tips on unblocking limiting beliefs
Letting go of perfectionism
Why we need to face and support our inner children
DI and workshop recs from Marina and Jessica
Blocks, tests and pings!
The importance of self-worth while navigating your career
The energetics of the higher and magnetic selves (00:11:20)
Background on her unblocking journey (00:19:45)
Marina’s incredible full list of what she’s manifested! (00:52:16)