Today's extended Talking PFAS News edition is discussing the use of firefighting foams containing PFAS in Tasmania. Primarily this episode focuses on the use of PFAS firefighting foams by the Tasmanian Fire Service (TFS). PFAS became an issue of focus during the recent State election in May. My guests today are journalist Rob Inglis from The Examiner and Advocate Newspapers in Hobart, and Sharon McLay who was a candidate for the Animal Justice Party in the recent election. Sharon also has a 30 year history of previously being a professional firefighter for the MFB in Victoria. Rob Inglis wrote some recent articles about PFAS foams in Tasmania after firefighters refused to use foams which contain PFAS. The United Firefighters Union have also shared their opinion with Rob Inglis and at a press conference (prior to the May State election) in Hobart. Today's episode also will include statements from AirServices and TasPorts regarding their use of firefighting foams containing PFAS or actions to remove them. In 2018 the Tasmanian EPA published a PFAS Action Plan for Tasmania, which was updated in August, 2019. This update provides a record of actions taken so far by TFS, Airservices and Tasports. Plus I received updated comments from these organisations which are read throughout today's episode.
Rob Inglis Journalist - Recent PFAS Articles discussed today:
Remediation of PFAS-related impacts ongoing scrutiny and review - Australian PFAS Inquiry JSCFADT
Tasmania PFAS Action Plan - Progress Update August 2019:
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