André, who overcame executive functioning deficits, shares insights on learning techniques. Topics include using logbooks, handwritten notes, and hyperfocus to improve memory retention. Embracing individualized learning styles is also discussed. Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program for more info.
Adopting logbooks for note-taking can boost memory retention by tailoring study methods to individual learning styles.
Utilizing hyper-focus and handwritten notes enhances understanding, not just memorization, for effective learning.
Deep dives
Learning How You Learn: The Power of Logbooks and Unique Study Strategies
Developing effective learning strategies is crucial, especially for individuals with ADHD like Andre and Mike. Andre shared his journey of discovering how to learn by using logbooks, a strategy he adopted from his high school co-op supervisor. This practice evolved into a career-long habit, enabling him to document key insights and overcome his short-term memory challenges. By transferring information from textbooks to handwritten notes, Andre found that this process facilitated better retention, especially during hyper-focus periods. His unique approach emphasized the importance of understanding individual learning styles and applying tailored study methods to optimize memory retention.
Maximizing Strategic Learning: Embracing Personalized Study Techniques
In recounting his university experiences, Andre realized the impact of his hyper-focus and handwritten note-taking on his exam performance. Unlike his peers who relied on group study sessions, Andre's solo learning approach allowed him to internalize complex information effectively. By extracting key points from highlighted texts and engaging in discussions, Andre solidified his long-term memory retention. Embracing a strategic learning process that involved active engagement with materials instead of rote memorization, Andre demonstrated the efficacy of personalized study techniques in enhancing knowledge acquisition and problem-solving skills.
Learning How to Learn Effectively with Short-Term Memory Challenges
André discusses how he learned to learn. I used logbooks to overcome my executive functioning deficits, reading and highlighting points, reviewing the notes and writing the key points by hand. I used my hyperfocus to read and review the content at the last minute. My key insight is that I learned to understand, not to remember.