In today's episode, Mary Scott interviews Courtney Burshich. Courtney is a wife and mom. She recently became a certified health and wellness coach through Mark Sisson’s Primal Health Coaching Institute. They have a conversation about diet culture, body image, holistic lifestyle and so much more. There has been so many requests to have someone on the show to discuss wellness from a holistic perspective and Courtney does just that! Her personal journey to find optimal health began 7 years ago after having her first child. The changes her body went through during and after pregnancy sparked an appetite to better understand what the body truly needed for success. Over the last several years Courtney has experienced the benefits firsthand of applying healthy nutritional and lifestyle habits. In a world full of confusion as it relates to nutrition and body image, she is inspired to help women discover the healing power of food and formulate a healthy relationship with their body. She is excited for all that God has in store and feels privileged to come alongside my sisters in Christ and encourage them to live a life fully nourished.