Welcome to Episode 71 of the Being Human Podcast: The Feminine Genius: A Conversation w/ Lisa Cotter
This week on the podcast, Dr. Greg welcomes Lisa Cotter, Catholic speaker and author of a new book, Reveal the Gift: Living the Feminine Genius. He and Lisa discuss how her new book helps illuminate the meaning of what Pope St. John Paul II termed the “feminine genius,” and how an understanding of it can impact the lives of both men and women.
Discussed in this episode:
- Meet Lisa Cotter!
- The difficulty of defining the feminine genius;
- Opening up more of what JPII meant when he used the phrase “the feminine genius” and the timeliness of his focus on the gifts of femininity;
- The importance of developing a deeper understanding of the particular “geniuses” of both men and women and of working towards collaboration with one another;
- The complementarity of masculinity and femininity and the wound of suspicion of one another that still exists between men and women, even in the Church;
- Practical ways Lisa lives out her feminine genius within her marriage and family life.
Resources mentioned or relevant:
- Meet Lisa Cotter, Catholic speaker and author known for her practical insights on relationships, femininity, and living life with excellence;
- More on Lisa’s newest book, Reveal the Gift: Living the Feminine Genius;
- Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Collaboration of Men and Women in the Church and in the World by Pope Benedict XVI;
- Mulieris Dignitatem by Pope St. John Paul II;
- The Concept of Woman, Volume 1 by Sr. Prudence Allen;
- The Female Brain: What’s Your Superpower? - the first article in a 5-part blog series on the female brain;
- Learn more about IDDM (Mentorship), Dr. Greg’s new model of care;
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- Become a member of the Integrated Life Community to get access to every course Dr. Greg has created, AND the opportunity to participate in Integrated Life “app groups” - time-limited, group experiences covering topics like boundaries, communication, trauma, and forgiveness;
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