Grant Solomon, an 18-year-old boy tragically trapped under a vehicle, sparks suspicion of foul play as allegations of abuse by his father are revealed. The hosts discuss the possibility of an impromptu attack and analyze a mysterious 911 call. They explore the presence of other voices during the call and evidence of a delayed emergency response.
Grant Solomon's death raises questions about the alleged abuse he and his sister endured at the hands of their father.
The lack of witnesses and conflicting evidence surrounding Grant's death call for a thorough investigation into the suspicious circumstances.
Deep dives
Tragic Case of Grant Sullivan
Grant Sullivan, an 18-year-old student athlete known for his intelligence and athletic prowess, suffered a tragic fate on his 18th birthday. Grant hoped to gain custody of his 14-year-old sister, Gracie, who he believed was being abused by their father, Aaron Solomon. Grant's goal was to testify in court against his father and seek custody for his sister. However, shortly after turning 18, Grant died in what was officially ruled an accident. His father, Aaron, claimed that Grant's truck rolled backwards and dragged him into a ditch, causing his death. The details of the incident are scrutinized due to conflicting evidence and allegations of foul play.
The Mysterious Circumstances
The incident took place at a baseball training facility in Gallatin, Tennessee. Grant arrived at the evaluation session with his father, Aaron, who allegedly had a controlling and abusive nature. According to Aaron, he observed Grant getting out of his truck and then noticed the vehicle rolling backwards into a ditch, trapping Grant underneath. Aaron called 911 and attempted to help his son. However, there were no other eyewitnesses to confirm the details of the incident. The lack of witnesses and other conflicting evidence raise questions about what truly happened.
Controversial Allegations
Grant's death brought attention to the alleged long-term abuse he and his sister endured at the hands of their father. Friends and family believed that Grant's intention to testify against his father and gain custody of his sister exposed a disturbing pattern of abuse in their family. Allegations of verbal, mental, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse were made, leading some to question the official ruling of Grant's death as an accident. The case highlighted the need for a thorough investigation into the serious allegations surrounding the family dynamics.
Unanswered Questions and Calls for Justice
Grant's tragic fate left many unanswered questions and calls for justice. People questioned the actions of those in power who failed to intervene and protect the siblings from abuse. Some criticized the local authorities for not thoroughly investigating the suspicious circumstances surrounding Grant's death. Advocates urged for a champion to step forward and lead by example, emphasizing the importance of making a change and ensuring the safety of vulnerable members within the community. The case of Grant Sullivan remains a haunting mystery with unresolved questions and a plea for justice.
On July 20, 2020 a 911 call came into Gallatin, Tennessee emergency services. Aaron Solomon was requesting help because as he told the dispatcher his son’s truck had just backed over his son. His son, 18 year old Grant Solomon was trapped under the vehicle. He was in need of rescuing and medical attention. Grant did not survive. This tragedy was quickly called into question because of allegations made against Aaron Solomon. His children have accused him of years of abuse. Supporters of Grant, Gracie and their mother Angie believe that this was no accident and that Grant was forever silenced by his father. To view photos from the scene and to learn more about the Solomon family and Gracie and her mother Angie’s fight for justice for Gracie and Grant go to
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Garage Grade - 4 out of 5 bottle caps
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