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TED Talks Daily

12 predictions for the future of technology | Vinod Khosla

Jun 8, 2024
Snipd AI
Techno-optimist Vinod Khosla shares 12 bold predictions for the future of technology, including preventative medicine, car-free cities, supersonic flights, fusion power, and the importance of ethical decision-making in technology development.
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Quick takeaways

  • Entrepreneurial passion drives impactful technological advancements.
  • AI will enable free access to expertise, preventive healthcare, and innovative climate solutions.

Deep dives

Techno-Optimism and Entrepreneurship

The speaker expresses techno-optimism by emphasizing the importance of empathy and care in technological advancements. He highlights the role of entrepreneurs who dream implausible dreams and work to bring them to reality. Mentioning historical examples like SpaceX, electric cars, and Uber, he argues that large social impact changes are often driven by entrepreneurial passion rather than by established experts or institutions.

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