How do we measure our product team success? That question is in the center of this podcast episode, where Matt and Moshe invited Ross Webb, Principal Product Manager at Amazon and Host of the Product Team Success Podcast to share with us his method to build a Product Team Success Scorecard.In the episode Ross shared what the Success Scorecard is, which problem it is solving, and how he came by with the need to develop one. Since developing and using it successfully and iterating on it several times, Ross has been teaching others on the importance of creating one, and what elements to look for when using it. In the episode we also touched on:
Who is the Product Team Success Scorecard for?
The components of the scorecard and how to utilize it
The process to come up with your company’s scorecard
The relationship between the organization’s culture, the product culture and the team success
How using it over time helps leadership understand product management, and become a better partner to the product team