Dr Catherine Davies MBBCh, MBA is a medical doctor who qualified at Wits in 1998 before completing an MBA at Henley Business School in 2007. She has a special interest in hair restoration and aesthetics, and has been performing follicular unit extraction (FUE) aka hair transplants since 2006.
She has become an expert in this field and lectures at both local and international conferences. At Rejuv-nation Clinic, she focuses on treatments that harness the body’s own resources to heal, rejuvenate and regenerate hair, skin and body shape.
The goal is to use minimally invasive, safe procedures to optimise aesthetic outcomes for men and women.
Join us as we explore:How Dr Davies got into hair transparent and replacement after noticing chemotherapy patients were not growing their eyebrows back.
Why Dr Davies is seeing more hair loss than ever!
Follicular unit extraction (FUE) aka hair transplant surgery – the how, what, why from the doctor who does it.
What causes hair loss and balding? Is it only genetic? A side effect of disease? Or do lifestyle factors contribute? Spoiler – they do!
The very real psychological and emotional impact of hair loss on the human psyche.
Safe hairstyles, dangerous beauty products, natural and biohacking treatments for hair loss and why Dr Davies is very reluctant to prescribe pharmaceutical treatments.
Shock dieting? Expect hair shedding in 3 months!
Anabolic steroids, TRT, PRP, peptides, stem cells, scalp mobility and exercises!
Telephone +27114409664
Podcast – Dr Bhana - SA’s Leading Endocrinologist Shares a Thyroid Masterclass,
https://youtu.be/xc_JbPEFTUkPodcast – Jay Campbell - The Why, The What and The When of Testosterone, Peptides, and Growth Hormone Interventions, https://youtu.be/ryE7BYS63xE
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