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The Made to Thrive Show

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Jan 2, 2025 • 58min

The Greatest Health Crisis. Humanity’s Mental Health & Performance Abyss. There are NEW Tools and a NEW Hope. Dr Jeoff Drobot NMD (rebroadcast)

It’s a new year, so I want to begin with new hope. Mental health and performance is in an abyss I have never seen before. Brain fog, memory problems, mental fatigue, anxiety and everything else, we need new solutions to these ever-growing problems. That’s why I wanted to begin 2025 with Dr Jeoff Drobot, a pioneer who has for decades tried every health optimisation strategy and tool under the sun. Dr Drobot is tackling cognitive decline, mental distress and a host of autoimmune diseases by targeting the central nervous system with a unique bio-electric model.Support the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Dec 26, 2024 • 1h 8min

Cognoscopy! What? Your Mental Performance Science Backed Score. How is Your Brain? Dr Dale Bredesen MD (rebroadcast)

I believe in knowing your data. Knowing your numbers, because they are objective sign posts that guide us into targeted action, making medicine personal, proactive, preventative and performance enhancing. That’s why Dr Dale Bredesen’s ApolloHealth’s Cognoscopy test is a standard number I want all my clients to know as early as possible in their lives. Dr Bredesen has proven clinically that a targeted, functional and holistic health approach to mental performance and brain health can both prevent and reverse cognitive decline. That’s why I am broadcasting this episode again, because everyone and their families need to know dementia is not a fate they must succumb to. There is hopeSupport the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Dec 19, 2024 • 55min

Stem Cell Masterclass: Why YOU need them, & How to Enhance and Mobilize Stem Cells. Christian Drapeau: Stem Cell Scientist

Stem cells are the key to your longevity. These miracles of life are what repair and rejuvenate everything about you biologically, creating “new” organs every few years and repairing damage and disease. But as we age, live unhealthy  lifestyles and live in unnatural, toxic environments, the production and circulation of stem cells begins to wane, and thereby so does our health and therefore our life. That’s why Christian Drapeau and his patented stem cell mobilizing product is so exciting and as you will hear, literally changing people’s lives with unexpected and miraculous recoveries. Christian Drapeau is a stem cell scientist, author, and innovator behind the first-ever stem cell supplement. With a graduate degree in Neurophysiology, he has over 30 years of experience in medical research, with the past two decades dedicated specifically to stem cell science. As the author of five books, including the best-seller Cracking the Stem Cell Code, and the publisher of numerous scientific papers, he introduced the concept of “Endogenous Stem Cell Mobilization.” Currently, he serves as the CEO and Founder of Kalyagen, where he developed STEMREGEN, the most advanced stem cell mobilizer on the market. Join us as we explore:Everything stem cells - from their genesis in medicine, to their function in the body and the future they will play in the medicine of the decades to come.The connection between autoimmune disease and stem cell health.Can you count the stem cell volume in your body?Real life stories of how stem cell enhancers have changed people’s lives forever - from heart disease to Alzheimer’s to CURED.The plant based products used in STEMREGEN, and how they create natural endogenous stem cell mobilization and if there are any risks.Natural methods, foods and lifestyle decisions that promote natural stem cell health, and what suppresses it.Contact: Website :https://www.stemregen.coMentions:Book - Cracking the Stem Cell Code, the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Dec 12, 2024 • 1h 7min

Hair & Scalp Health: Balding, Thinning, Greying. Why Your Hair is Important & What You Can Do! Dr Alan Bauman, MD ABHRS

Are you listening to your scalp? Because what is going on your head, and how your hair feels is at the crux of your hair health and your chances of hair loss. We are so emotionally connected to our hair, and people are willing to try just about anything to keep their hairspan! But that can be risky, and I regularly hear stories from patients about how trying some standard cream has had terrible side effects. That’s why you need to listen to Dr Alan Bauman, a true expert and pioneer in the world of hair loss and hair REGROWTH, because hair loss for you does not need to be like your father or grandfather. Dr. Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS, IAHRS, FISHRS is a full-time hair transplant surgeon who founded his medical practice in Boca Raton, Florida in 1997 and has treated over 34,000 patients and performed over 12,000 hair transplant surgeries to date. Dr. Bauman is one of only approximately 200 physicians worldwide to achieve certification from the esteemed American and International Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS), be an accepted member of the International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons (IAHRS) and also recommended by the American Hair Loss Association. Recently, Dr. Bauman was named both a “Top 5 Transformational CEO” and one of “The 10 CEOs Transforming Healthcare in America” in Forbes, voted North America’s “, #1 Top Hair Restoration Surgeon” by Aesthetic Everything for 8 consecutive years and awarded "Hair Restoration Surgeon of the Decade." Join us as we explore:Hair health and what it tells us about our health status, using AI powered follicle microscope, the scalp microbiome and why Dr Bauman is seeing patients earlier and earlier struggling with hair loss?How to take a proactive and preventative approach to hairless and what the options are for men and women in the process of hair loss?The lifestyle habits that boost your hair quality and scalp health, and the hair health killers.Hair health coaches, PRP, peptides, stem cells, lasers - what you can do to get your hair back?Hair loss transplants, the pharmaceutical options (and risks!) and the holy grail of “hair follicle multiplication”. Why how often you wash your hair with shampoo matters and if you are using Head&Shoulders, should you? Contact:Website: https://www.baumanmedical.comMentions:Person - Dr Ralf Paus, the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Dec 6, 2024 • 1h 2min

Bone Health Masterclass: Adults, Children, Osteoporosis, Osteopenia & Why Your Childhood Lifestyle is Crucial for Bone Health. Prof Belinda Beck PhD.

Your bones are the pillars of what it means to be “strong for life”, and there are few things are as important for health span and longevity as the strength of our bodies to be functional in our latter years. It is assumed that it’s the likes of cancer and heart attacks at the centre of premature death, but falling down and breaking our bones is right up there as a leading cause of death in those over 60, with 20% of hip fractures leading to death within one year of injury. That’s why it’s time to start lifting heavy, building your bone bank and getting strong for life.Belinda Beck is a Professor in the School of Health Sciences & Social Work and member of the Menzies Health Institute Queensland at Griffith University where she has taught musculoskeletal anatomy and conducted bone research for over 20 years. Belinda graduated from The University of Queensland with a degree in Human Movement Studies and from the University of Oregon with a Master of Science and a PhD. She completed a postdoctoral research fellowship in the Stanford University School of Medicine. Her work, primarily related to the effects of mechanical loading on bone. She has published over 100 scientific papers, and presented almost 200 abstracts at conferences and symposia globally. Most recently Belinda, with her Griffith colleagues, published the results of the LIFTMOR, LIFTMOR-M and MEDEX-OP clinical trials which re-established the benchmark of exercise as therapy for osteoporosis and low bone mass. Belinda established The Bone Clinic Pty Ltd in 2015 to roll out this groundbreaking program of research as ONERO.Join us as we explore:Osteoporosis - the state of it, how it manifests itself, how to prevent it and the #1 killer of bone health.Osteopenia vs osteoporosis? The silver tsunami, t-scores and z scores, BMD scores and building your “bone bank” - when, how and why?The king of all exercises for bone health and what it means to be “strong for life”.Is building bone as effective with medication as natural methods? And the top 3 most damaging pharmaceuticals on bone health.Vitamin D and the other most important vitamins and minerals for bone health.Contact: Website: - Belinda Beck’s publications, Support the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Nov 28, 2024 • 1h

Why You Battle To Change Your Health Habits & Irrational Wellness Decisions Explained. Prof Dan Ariely Ph.D.

When it comes to health, we can get stuck in the details, the specifics, the data, the tests, the supplements, the diets. But above all of that is you; who you are, what you believe in, your history, your hopes, and your environment, where you live, who you live with, your friends, your community. These are the variables that Dan believes more than anything dictate our health and the future of human health.Prof. Dan Ariely conducts research in behavioural economics. His immersive introduction to irrationality occurred years ago while recovering from injuries sustained in an explosion. After leaving the hospital, Dan became fascinated by the realization that humans consistently and predictably make flawed decisions in various aspects of life. He is a Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University and is a founding member of the Center for Advanced Hindsight and the author of the popular books Irrationally Yours, Predictably Irrational, The Upside of Irrationality, and The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty. Join us as we explore:Why the “temptation economy” is at the crux of the unfolding human health disaster.What makes one diabetic patient better at living with their disease over another? The answer will surprise you. The environmental war of the 21st century and why that is the basis of  your daily choicesThe “what the hell” effect.Why Dan believes in penance.Why you cannot rely on discipline, willpower or resilience to live healthier.Contact: Website: https://danariely.comMentions:Study - Signing at the beginning makes ethics salient and decreases dishonest self-reports in comparison to signing at the end, - Mind-set matters, Crum AJ, Langer EJ. Mind-set matters: exercise and the placebo effect. Psychol Sci. 2007 Feb;18(2):165-71. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9280.2007.01867.x. PMID: 17425538.Support the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Nov 21, 2024 • 57min

Reproductive Health Masterclass: Infertility? Contraceptive Pill?, & Gynaecological Issues? Gabriela Rosa ND MPH

It’s one of the greatest causes of tension, relationship breakdown and ultimately separation or divorce - infertility. Couples that are unable to conceive are 30% more likely to separate, which makes sense given the financial, emotional and physical toll of that journey. That’s why it’s heartening to speak to my guest today Dr Gabriela Rosa, a fertility specialist who brings babies to the couples who had tried everything else and were on the verge of giving up their family dream.  Going through infertility yourself. Read Dr Rosa’s book now to reignite hope: https://fertilitybreakthrough.comYou can also schedule a FREE exploration call with her clinic to see if you would be a good fit: Rosa is a fertility specialist, reproductive health educator, and Harvard University-awarded scholar and an accomplished and experienced business leader and entrepreneur. Gabriela created the world’s first entirely virtual and holistic fertility clinic. As the founder and CEO of The Rosa Institute, which currently serves patients in every continent (other than Antarctica). Join us as we explore:How Dr Rosa became the doctor of last resort for couples worldwide unable to fall pregnant.How Dr Rosa’s holistic and functional 11 Pillars approach to fertility is proving more successful than expensive and invasive IVF treatments, including her top 3 fertility tips.The one diagnostic test that helped a woman with four previous miscarriages understand her fertility issue and guide her to conceiving.An action plan for those in their late 20s, early 30s who want to plan for a family.The pill - good or bad?  A risk to your future pregnancy hopes? And better options.Contact:Website: https://fertilitybreakthrough.comSocial media: Mentions:Technology - Natural Cycles, https://www.naturalcycles.comSupport the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Nov 14, 2024 • 1h 6min

Rejuvenation Olympics, Biohacking - Aka Health Optimisation - Done Both Simply and Affordably. Julie Gibson Clark

“What else do I not know that I don’t know”. Asking this question was the catalyst of my guest’s biohacking and health success story. It is a statement of  curiosity and also accountability to find solutions, both being the heart of biohacking. Because biohacking is not about spending $2 million on unaffordable gadgets and novel treatments, and my amazing guest today Julie Gibson Clark is living proof that foundational lifestyle techniques outperform everything else.Julie Gibson Clark, a former structural engineer turned recruiter, spent over a year holding the 2nd ranked spot on the Rejuvenation Olympics leaderboard (prior to the rule change). Based in Phoenix, Arizona, this single mother competes on a budget of under $150 per month. Despite her modest budget, Julie’s biohacking routine is refreshingly simple: a focus on mindset, regular exercise, sauna sessions, a vegetable-rich diet, and a selection of affordable supplements.Her recent DNA methylation test revealed a remarkable aging pace of just 65 days for every 100 days, highlighting that significant longevity benefits are achievable without substantial expense.Julie’s results demonstrate that effective biohacking for longevity can be accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial status. Join us as we explore:Why biohacking does not need to be expensive, and how Julie is proving that as reality.Julie’s longevity stats and her daily routine that everyone can do that outperforms $2 million worth of gizmos and gadgets. How being curious and inquisitive about her own health challenges unlocked Julie’s biohacking spirit by asking the key question “what else do I not know that I don’t know”.How her mindset creates the foundation of her success.The Rejuvenation OlympicsAn innovative tip for those that avoid the gym I’ve never heard before!Julie’s skin routine, and her experience with traditional suncreams.Contact: Website: https://www.juliegibsonclark.comMentions:Website - Rejuvenation Olympics, https://www.rejuvenationolympics.comSupplements - AVEA, https://avea-life.comSupport the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Nov 7, 2024 • 1h 7min

Mysterious Conditions, Sensitive Patients, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: Why there is New Hope & Tools to Change Your Life! Dr Neil Nathan MD

If you are struggling and suffering in silence, or been told by doctor after doctor there’s nothing wrong, and it’s all in your head, do not give up. Today is an episode of hope. Your mystery symptoms and disease can be cured. There are tests and treatments and doctors like Dr Neil Nathan who exist that can diagnose you, offer real solutions and help you get your health and life back. Dr. Neil Nathan is a renowned expert in the fields of environmental medicine and integrative medicine, specializing in the treatment of complex chronic illnesses. He has authored several influential books, including “Toxic: Heal Your Body from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and Other Chronic Environmental Illnesses” and “The New Paradigm for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.” With over 40 years of clinical experience, Dr. Nathan is dedicated to helping patients recover from multifactorial health issues through a holistic approach.Join us as we explore:The profile of a “sensitive patient”, and why it has become an epidemic.Dr Nathan’s discovery of the two big pieces of the mystery disease puzzle.The biological and neurological systems at the core of the trifecta of complex chronic sensitivities.Dr Nathan’s preferred treatment techniques for the vagal nerve, limbic system and nervous system.Mold, Lyme and mast cells activation syndrome.Why nervous system sensitivity often begins in the “mouth”.Contact:Website: https://neilnathanmd.comMentions:Product - Truvaga, https://www.truvaga.comProduct - Apollo Neuro, - Dynamic Neural Retraining System, https://retrainingthebrain.comProduct - The Gupta Program, https://guptaprogram.comProduct - Primal Trust, https://www.primaltrust.orgPerson - Dr Richard Horowitz, the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
4 snips
Oct 31, 2024 • 57min

Big Food’s Deception, Big Body Care’s Lies, Toxins, Chemicals, & Hidden Damaging Ingredients YOU Should Be Aware of! Ben Katz BSE

In this enlightening discussion, Ben Katz, a Proteomics Specialist at UC Irvine, reveals the shocking truths behind everyday products like chocolate and shampoos. He uncovers hidden toxic ingredients and the impact of food engineering on chronic diseases. Katz discusses the caffeine levels in M&Ms and kombucha, emphasizing the importance of transparent labeling for parents. He also highlights the risks of synthetic cooling agents in consumer items, urging listeners to be vigilant about ingredient transparency for healthier choices.

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