Each time we meet as a community, I am blown away by the honesty, vulnerability, kindness, wisdom, and support this group provides one another. I love to share space with them and answer their questions. Today was an especially emotional and deep session, and I'm proud of us for getting to some really tough and probing questions about stress, holding ourselves with self-compassion during backslides, and walking through this work with strength and resolve. Join us for the questions that turn out to be everyone's questions, and answers from me that will help you stay the course. Sending love! xo n.
If you would like to be part of our Membership Community it's easy to do - just go to my website www.thecureforchronicpain.com and scroll down a bit. You'll see the button to join.
Sign up for my Membership Community on my Website (3 hour ZOOM with me once a month and separate monthly Q&A Hang with me alongside private online community where I answer your personal questions):
If you are interested in supporting the many free resources I offer to get this message to the global community, please consider donating to my cause on my website, www.thecureforchronicpain.com. Look for the DONATE button on the home page. Thank you so much!