Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your money situation? Maybe you're not sure how to manage it, maybe every season has been looking different (looking at you, 2020). Maybe you're in a paycheck-to-paycheck situation and you just want to feel financially FREEEE. Oh, sis, this episode will do you good! Rachel Cruze joins Rachel for a conversation all about why we make the moves with money we make, how we can get out of the hole of shame and guilt around money, ways to identify how we view money, and how we can change our view to a healthy one and that one makeup/skincare product you need in your makeup bag! Shownotes: behindtheblisspodcast.com/shownotes/132 BTB on Instagram: Instagram.com/behindtheblisspodcast Rachel Cruze on Instagram: instagram.com/rachelcruze/