Learn about the importance of personal branding and building opportunities. Discover how to create a strong personal brand by identifying your values and unique qualities.
Building a strong personal brand involves reflecting on what you stand for and what makes you stand out.
Being useful and answering the question of 'how can I be useful?' is a helpful approach to building a personal brand.
Deep dives
Building the Future of Finance
The podcast discusses the importance of transforming the finance function from backward-looking reporting to forward-looking strategic advising. It emphasizes the need for businesses to embrace automation, digital transformation, predictive analytics, and AI in finance. By doing so, companies can position themselves for success in the future of finance.
Developing Your Personal Brand
The episode focuses on the concept of personal brand and its significance in career development. It explains that personal brand is what you're known for, representing what people say about you when you're not in the room. The hosts highlight the importance of creating a clear personal brand that aligns with your values, identifying who you stand with and what makes you stand out. They suggest that being useful and answering the question of 'how can I be useful?' can be a helpful approach to building a personal brand.
The Importance of Personal Brand and Building Opportunities
In this episode of the Squiggly Careers Skills Sprint series Helen and Sarah talk about building your personal brand and the importance of reflecting on what you stand for, who you stand with and what makes you stand out.
There are 20 episodes in the Skills Sprint and each is designed to help you create a regular learning habit to support your squiggly career development. Each episode in the series is less that 7 minutes long and has ideas for action and go-to-gurus on a specific topic.
Sign-up for to receive our Ready, Steady, Sprint guide here: https://bit.ly/scskills-sprint
If you have any questions or feedback (which we love!) you can email us at helenandsarah@squigglycareers.com