This is the sixth installment in Eric's epic summer series covering the contentious and war-torn season of American history from 1914 to 1974. In this episode he enters the Roaring Twenties and explains the rise of the Gangster Movement. Prohibition in 1919 makes the sale of alcohol illegal and gangsters take full advantage of this situation in the 1920s, turning the sale of illegal liquor into a booming trade. The Big Shot is the lead gangster, the mastermind behind the operation. His goal? To be above the law, untouchable, and able to smile at the feeble attempts of the lowly local police force trying their best to stop him. Such is the dream of the Mob Boss. And strangely, if we squint and scrub away all the evil encrusting it, it’s not all that different from the dream that we dream as Christians and see fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
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