Water is a throughline for nearly every subject we cover on the ESG Insider podcast, and it is a key feature of the thematic program at the UN's big climate summit, COP28, which kicked off in Dubai on Nov. 30.
In this episode we focus on how the private sector is approaching water risks and opportunities around the world — and how it can use partnerships to drive progress. We'll also explore the water challenges the Middle East and UAE face and some of the concrete solutions stakeholders are implementing.
We talk with Justina Nixon-Saintil, Chief Impact Officer at global technology company IBM, where she leads global corporate social responsibility. And we'll hear from Emilio Tenuta, Chief Sustainability Officer at Ecolab, a company that offers water, hygiene and infection prevention technologies and solutions.
We also talk with Dr. Adewale Giwa, an Assistant Professor in the Chemical and Water Desalination Engineering Program at the University of Sharjah in the UAE, who focuses on water conditions in the Middle East.
You can listen to previous episodes about COP28 here: https://www.spglobal.com/esg/podcasts/what-to-expect-from-cop28-the-un-s-big-climate-change-conference
Here: https://www.spglobal.com/esg/podcasts/intersection-of-gender-and-climate-in-focus-ahead-of-cop28
And here: https://www.spglobal.com/esg/podcasts/as-cop28-kicks-off-talking-climate-finance-with-the-green-climate-fund
And listen to episodes about Climate Week NYC 2023 here: https://www.spglobal.com/esg/podcasts/how-partnerships-can-help-close-the-climate-finance-gap
And here: https://www.spglobal.com/esg/podcasts/at-climate-week-nyc-seeking-solutions-at-the-nexus-of-climate-water-and-social-issues
Read the COP28 Special Edition of the S&P Global Sustainability Quarterly for research and insights on key themes that will be in focus in Dubai here: https://www.spglobal.com/esg/insights/featured/sustainability-journal/cop28-sustainability-quarterly-page
This piece was published by S&P Global Sustainable1, a part of S&P Global.
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