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The Peter Attia Drive

#287 ‒ Lower back pain: causes, treatment, and prevention of lower back injuries and pain | Stuart McGill, Ph.D.

Jan 29, 2024
Snipd AI
Stuart McGill, a distinguished professor emeritus at the University of Waterloo and the chief scientific officer at Backfitpro Inc., explores lower back pain in this episode. He discusses the anatomy of the back, common pain points, and the impact of disc damage. Stuart shares compelling case studies of successful treatment, highlights the importance of strength and stability, and provides valuable advice for maintaining a healthy spine.
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Quick takeaways

  • Maintaining core stability is crucial for preventing and managing back pain.
  • Individuals with a very flexible spine may be more susceptible to disc bulges from extension, while powerlifters with a stiffer spine may experience disc bulges from flexion.

Deep dives

The Importance of Core Stability in Preventing Back Pain

Maintaining core stability is crucial for preventing and managing back pain. The three key exercises recommended for core stability are the modified curl-up, side plank, and bird dog. The modified curl-up involves lifting the head, neck, and shoulders while keeping the back flat on the ground. The side plank strengthens one half of the low back and one half of the upper back. The bird dog exercise targets the core by extending one leg and the opposite arm. These exercises help develop proximal stiffness and stability, leading to improved resilience and performance. Regular practice of these exercises can prevent back pain and enhance athletic performance.

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