It can be really challenging to really be yourself when you're a pastor or ministry leader. There is a pressure to perform and to present yourself in an ideal sort of way. But putting on a false front can be exhausting.
In this episode, Sarah Bereza unpacks how we can fully be ourselves even as we lead in ministry.
It can be really hard for people in the professional ministry space to be fully themselves.
Markus Watson shares the story of the first time anyone ever called him “Pastor.”
To be more and more like Christ also becoming more and more fully ourselves.
Sarah Bereza helps us understand how we can be our true selves in a worship service—even if we don’t feel like being there that day.
When we don’t acknowledge, at least to ourselves, what is going on inside us we can end up performing, even faking, when leading a worship service.
Sarah Bereza shares that, depending on the context and relationships, it can be ok for the pastor to be honest with their congregation when he or she isn’t feeling great in a worship service.
Sarah Bereza explains the difference between authenticity, sincerity, and being fully yourself.
The church seems to be experiencing a crisis of discipleship. Sarah Bereza helps us understand that the way we help our people become true disciples of Jesus is through community.