In this episode of the ESG Insider podcast, we sit down with Debbie Lizt on the sidelines of the GreenBiz conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Debbie is Head of Global Sustainability at Intuit, one of the world’s largest software companies.
She describes how Intuit is engaging with suppliers on decarbonization, its approach to generative AI, and how the company is working to ensure a just transition to a low-carbon economy in communities.
As part of its net-zero strategy, Intuit is working with suppliers to understand the challenges they face. "While we have these goals, we want our suppliers to join us on this journey," says Debbie. "We want to learn from them what would make it challenging for them so that we can identify opportunities to help remove some of those barriers."
Listen to our interview at the GreenBiz conference with Mars on how one of the largest food and confectionary companies in the world is rethinking supply chains:
Listen to our interview on the sidelines of Davos with another of the world’s largest software companies, SAP, to understand how the company is approaching collaboration:
GreenBiz is hosted by GreenBiz Group and S&P Global Sustainable1 is a sponsor.
This piece was published by S&P Global Sustainable1, a part of S&P Global.
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