Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present a return appearance from Charles Lear, author of “Crashed Saucers and Malevolent Aliens: The Emergence of the Popular Modern UFO Mythos in the Late 20th Century.” The book focuses on those responsible for — or guilty of — creating and perpetuating key events involving flying saucer lore, such as the Aztec, NM and Roswell, NM crashes, the MJ-12 documents, disinformation agents, and so on and so forth. Lear also identifies one person, actually an old friend of Gene's, who is, in part, responsible for three of those legends or myths. Lear has been writing about UFOs for several years and still finds the subject, and the stories of the people involved, fascinating. Besides his interest in all things Fortean, his pursuits include paleontology, geology, hiking, bad movies, and music. He has been a theatre person for most of his life. As a performer, he sticks to Shakespeare, and he makes his living as an I.A.T.S.E. Local One welder/carpenter in the construction shop of the Metropolitan Opera. His first saucer book was “The Flying Saucer Investigators."