When asked if they think they’re able to 10x their current income, most entrepreneurs aren’t confident that they can. But when presented with a different way to think about it, it becomes clear that it’s actually easier to go 10x than it is to go 2x. In this episode, business coaches Dan Sullivan and Shannon Waller explain how to change your thinking so you’re ready to 10x your company’s income.
Here's some of what you'll learn in this episode:
- The mindset shift that happens when you realize you’ve gone 10x before.
- Insights you can gain from your previous jumps in income.
- Why your team members might try to prevent change at the company.
- How Strategic Coach® has gone 10x more than once.
- Why people have to make things up to scare themselves nowadays.
- The difference between “status entrepreneurs” and “growth entrepreneurs.”
Show Notes:
- Whenever someone goes 10x, they’ve gotten rid of a lot of activities they’d been doing.
- Going 10x means hiring people to do activities they’re great at.
- Growing your income means going after bigger and bigger check writers.
- Entrepreneurs should be using technology to expand the power of their teamwork.
- Growing your income might involve new collaborations with individuals outside of your company.
- You make up the future, but you don’t make up your past.
- The first time you go 10x, what you did couldn’t be predicted. The second time, you have a pattern to follow.
- Most people want a bigger result without having to change themselves or what they’re doing.
- 10x is multidimensional thinking, while 2x is linear thinking.
- How other people went 10x is meaningless information because it’s not the way you did it.
- You won’t go 10x unless doing so will result in greater freedom.
- A 10x quantitative jump is meaningless unless it’s also a 10x qualitative jump.
- Entrepreneurial growth calls for constant transformation and change.
The 10x Mind Expander by Dan Sullivan
The Gap And The Gain by Dan Sullivan and Ben Hardy
Article: “The 4 Freedoms That Motivate Successful Entrepreneurs”
The Strategic Coach® Program