Hawk Tuah coin was a rug pull, Hunter Biden sold his landlord art he made with his dookie, and is Trump going to annex Canada?
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Ryan @ryanlongcomedy
00:00 - Assad’s escape
01:19 - Intro
01:46 - Rotten Milk
05:16 - DATES - Go to https://ryanlongcomedy.com and https://dannycomedy.com for tickets!
06:15 - Ladies Love Cool Luigi
20:20 - Ladies Don’t Love John Hinkley
25:09 - Abortion
27:15 - AD - Tile - Go to https://tile.com and use code BOYSCAST at checkout to get 15% off!
29:13 - AD - Me Undies - Go to https://meundies.com/boyscast and use code BOYSCAST to get EXCLUSIVE holiday deals
30:52 - Luigi’s back pain
37:52 - Luigi’s book list
44:43 - Apple’s running out of ideas
46:34 - People benefitting from Luigi dominating the news cycle
47:57 - Ryan reviews the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall
57:54 - AD - Mando - Go to https://shopmando.com and use code BOYSCAST to get $5 (over 40%) off your order!
1:00:28 - AD - True Classic - Go to https://trueclassic.com/boyscast for big savings during the holiday season
1:02:25 - Hawk Tuah rug pull
1:17:38 - Hunter Biden sold art using his own dookie in lieu of rent to landlord
1:19:00 - Is Trump gonna annex Canada?
1:21:50 - Journalists are officially dummies
1:23:14 - Schulz vs. Rappers
1:26:00 - Danny’s conspiracy
1:33:04 - Journalists cont’d
1:34:10 - Sketch idea
1:34:36 - Wrap up