Did you know that January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month? It's one mission we can all link arms with and fight together! "How," you ask? Today's episode answers this question and more with human trafficking survivor, Rebecca Bender. For nearly six years, Rebecca was trapped in the dark, violent world of sex trafficking. When she escaped her trafficker, she knew she wanted to fight to change the culture and offer hope to survivors. Listen in to hear her story, how she escaped, and the mission she's calling us to join her on to end Human Trafficking for good. Spoiler alert: it's much more simple than what you're thinking. Shownotes: behindtheblisspodcast.com/shownotes/135 BTB on Instagram: instagram.com/behindtheblisspodcast Rachel on Instagram: instagram.com/rachel.awtrey Rebecca on Instagram: instagram.com/imrebeccabender