A terrifying home invasion, a challenging police interrogation, and a chilling encounter with a sinister organization. Uncertainty and fear follow a revelation, while support and doubt surround the victim's story. Part One sets the stage for a continuation in Part Two.
The police initially dismissed the kidnapping as a lie, showing a lack of understanding and empathy towards the victims.
The kidnappers used psychological manipulation to control and torment Denise during her captivity.
Deep dives
Denise and Erin's Relationship and the Home Invasion
Denise Huskins and Erin Quinn meet while working as physical therapists at an hospital in northern California. They quickly fall in love and start a relationship. One night, they are awoken by intruders who tie them up and inform them that it is a robbery.
Kidnappers' Plan and Psychological Manipulation
The kidnappers inform Denise and Erin that the kidnapping was a mistake, intended for Erin's ex-fiancé. They reveal their plan to hold Denise for 48 hours and demand a ransom from Erin. The kidnappers use various tactics to psychologically manipulate Denise and maintain control over her.
Police Response and Investigation
When Erin goes to the police to report the kidnapping, they initially dismiss his claims and accuse him of lying. Denise is held captive for several days, while the police fail to take the emails and phone calls from the kidnappers seriously. The police interrogate Erin, subjecting him to intense questioning and suspicion.
Denise's Release and Aftermath
After enduring a traumatic ordeal, Denise is eventually released by the kidnappers near her mother's house. She contacts the police, who initially doubt her story. Denise's family hires an attorney, and she tries to cope with the aftermath of the kidnapping and the emotional toll it has taken on her.
“I think it was around 3:00 a.m., and that’s when I heard a strange man’s voice waking me from sleep.”
This is part one of a two-part episode. Listen to part two in our next episode.
Denise Huskins and Aaron Quinn’s book is Victim F.
This episode was originally released in 2021.
Criminal is going back on tour in February! We’ll be telling brand new stories, live on stage. You can even get meet and greet tickets to come and say hi before the show. Tickets are on sale now at thisiscriminal.com/live. We can’t wait to see you there!
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