Our guest today is Dr Nikki Stamp - an Australian trained cardiothoracic surgeon.
Nikki is 1 of 11 female heart surgeons in Australia and is a sought after speaker for women in surgery and a participant of social media campaign #ILookLikeASurgeon. Her research includes mentoring and gender in surgery, improving the patient journey and outcomes after cardiac surgery and the way plaque forms in our arteries. She is also author of the book “Can You Die of a Broken Heart?” And is due to release her second book “Pretty Unhealthy” later on this year.
On this episode we chat about women in medicine and surgery, the gender bias in cardiac medicine, how our lifestyle can impact our heart and what we can do to try offset that risk, and if you can actually die of a broken heart.
This weeks listener question is “What foods can I eat to lower my cholesterol?” So if you’re interested to find out the answer stay tuned to the very end of the episode and if you want to submit your own question to the show all you got to do is tweet, facebook message or instagram DM your questions with #thefoodmedicpodcast.