All relationships require nurturing and attention to thrive. While it's crucial to pursue individual interests and goals, carving out time for our relationships enriches our lives in many ways. When we prioritize meaningful interactions, we remind ourselves of what truly matters and experience a sense of joy and fulfillment.
Jola Jovani, a dedicated personal and relationship coach, is committed to helping individuals enhance self-love and improve their connections with others. Recognizing that love is a powerful force, she emphasizes the importance of cultivating skills for sustaining healthy relationships.
1:16 The drive behind Jola's coaching
4:08 Keys to a healthy relationship
6:02 Couples' common issues
12:41 Communication hurdles
24:13 Breaking relationship patterns
27:37 Can people change?
31:37 Finding the right partner
37:01 Conflict resolution
39:54 Making compromises
41:54 Traits of a resilient relationship
43:36 Building stronger bonds
45:43 Check-in ideas
47:21 Final message
The video version of this interview is available on YouTube:Episode 253