Harsh Shah is the co-founder of Fynd.
Fynd is India's largest omnichannel platform helping retail businesses accelerate growth.
Fynd was acquired by Reliance in 2019. Harsh is a prolific angel investor. He has made over 60 investments till date.
00:00 Top Moments
00:13 Intro to pod with Harsh
01:21 What drove Harsh to angel investing and what was his first angel investment?
05:18 How does Harsh source, pick, and win deals?
07:48 What triggers Harsh to invest? 10:21 What were his biggest wins and misses and learning from them?
16:52 His advise to operators looking to start angel investing
18:40 How would he go about constructing a cap table?
22:25 If money and attention are not needed anymore what would he work on?
24:12 How much of his success would he attribute to luck and why?
24:50 What is his relationship with money? 26:12 Who is Harsh outside of work?
27:21 What’s his favorite country?