Today Dr. Sabrina is answering a question from Heidi Adams, one of our listeners in rural Wyoming. Heidi’s business has been growing faster than she expected and she needs a process for hiring.
Heidi is not alone! In fact, most small business owners typically don't have a system for hiring. So when it's time to hire someone, you write a quick job description, think of some interview questions and hope the right person shows up. Usually they don’t! On the show today, Dr. Sabrina shares a system for attracting A-Players AND a system for hiring that will ensures you hire A-players and not just warm bodies!
Show Highlights:
- Clarify your immutable laws or your core values because those drive the culture of your business.
- The first few team members you hire are going to be key to the culture of your business.
- Dr. Sabrina goes in-depth into figuring out your immutable laws in her free masterclass, which is available at
- A quick way pointer to your core values, which will lead you to discover your immutable laws.
- There are two systems that you will need to put in place in your business- the first is an employee attraction system, and the second is a system for hiring.
- What you need to think about to attract the best employees to your business.
- Identifying what you really need the person to do for you.
- You're looking for someone with the personality traits to be successful in the required role, with core values that align with your own.
- How being in a rural area becomes an advantage for attracting A-players to a team.
- A-players hang together.
- Describing the specific kind of person you're looking for.
- A-players aren't usually looking for work.
- Places to start networking when looking for A-players.
- You need to think one or two years ahead, in the hiring process for your business, so Dr. Sabrina gives Heidi some tips for doing this.
- It's wise today, with employment rates so low, to make it easy for people to apply to your business, and then to put filters in place.
- The threat of a reference check should be one of the first filters that are put in place.
- How the threat of a reference check can help you, as a future employer.
- Dr. Sabrina recommends the book Who by Geoff Smart and Randy Street, for a robust, laid-out interview processes.
- The interview process, as outlined in the book, Who.
- Some questions to ask in the screening interview.
- You're looking for patterns in the interview process.
- The Topgrading interview is more in-depth than the screening interview. It's ideal to have someone to interview with you for this one, to watch for the non-verbal signals while you ask the questions. You can also confer together, after the interview.
- The value and power of taking interviewees back in time during an interview.
- You want people on your team who are coachable.
- Doing the reference checks.
- Some things to listen for during an interview.
- The scorecard is really key in the hiring process.
- Why Dr. Sabrina recommends laying out your whole interview process ahead of time.
- Some important things to bear in mind, and to do, when making an offer to an A-player.
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For Dr. Sabrina's free masterclass go to
Books mentioned: Topgrading by Brad Smart and Geoff Smart
Who by Geoff Smart and Randy Street
Mentioned in this episode:
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