When you look back, it’s hard to not beat yourself up - “I should have done,” “I could have done,” “I shouldn’t have done”… But really, what we really need to here is that all along we were blooming. Artist, poet and encourager, Morgan Harper Nichols, shares the ups and downs that she fought when jumping on board with the vision she was given. From one creator to another, she pulls back the screen to see the uncertainty, the fear and the “I’m not sure about this” moments that may have kept her back from her incredible online mission had she not tuned into the voice of truth and vision. If you’re in between dreams, have an idea, calling or vision, and you need a little encouragement and want to get up close and personal to someone else’s story, this episode is for you. Show notes: behindtheblisspodcast.com/shownotes/84 BTB Instagram: instagram.com/behindthebliss Morgan on Instagram: instagram.com/morganharpernichols Become a patron: patreon.com/behindthebliss