Highlights of Episode 174
"Hit the Gym with a Strength Coach" - Jessi Stensland, founder of Yes To Strength, is the creator of
The Flexible Periodization Method and
Performance Optimization with Periodization - See more at: http://www.yestostrength.net/#sthash.u7d4NDuF.dpuf former Division 1 swimmer, Professional Triathlete, creator of Movement U and founder of
FeetFreex, is on to talk about her journey of past injuries led her to understand the importance of foot health, foot anatomy, proper foot width, and the problem with current footwear. founder of Yes To Strength, is the creator of
The Flexible Periodization Method and
Performance Optimization with Periodization - See more at: http://www.yestostrength.net/#sthash.u7d4NDuF.dpuf "Coaches Corner with Coach Boyle"- Coach Boyle talks about Teaching the Single Leg Deadlift, the Split Squat Strength Test and the 1 Year Anniversary of Certified Functional Strength Coach.
Kevin Larrabee also joins us to talk about where the
CFSC is going.
Check out Coach Boyle's Functional Strength Coach 5 "Ask the Equipment Experts with Perform Better" - Erin McGirr joins us to talk about the current sale, upcoming education, and a new 80lb Vest.
"The Business of Fitness with Results Fitness University"- Rachel Cosgrove is on to talk about "Getting Referrals".
"The Functional Movement Systems Segment" Dr. Jimmy Yuan is on to talk about the 7 initial movements of the SFMA.
"The Art of Coaching with EXOS"- Bob Calvin is on to pick up where Stefan Underwood left off, discussing the integration of nutrition with training and therapy.
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