How To Make This Your Best Year Yet: 3 Questions To Ask Yourself Each Day with Dr Rangan Chatterjee #413
Dec 31, 2023
Dr Rangan Chatterjee discusses the transformative power of journaling. Regular journaling can improve sleep, enhance decision making, reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, and decrease emotional stress. They also explore the Three Question Journal, the power of gratitude, and the benefits of incorporating journaling into daily routines.
Journaling has numerous benefits including improved sleep, better decision making, reduced anxiety and depression symptoms, decreased emotional stress, and improved relationships.
Asking yourself 'What is the most important thing you have to do today?' helps prioritize tasks, improve decision making, and gain clarity in goals.
Practicing gratitude by focusing on one thing you deeply appreciate about your life each day leads to improved mental and emotional well-being, enhanced relationships, and a sense of fulfillment.
Deep dives
The Transformative Power of Journaling
Journaling has numerous benefits, including improved sleep, better decision making, reduced anxiety and depression symptoms, decreased emotional stress, and improved relationships. It helps us reflect on our lives and make more mindful and intentional choices. Journaling can be done with a simple piece of paper or a dedicated journal. Dr. Chatterjee recommends his Three Question Journal, which contains impactful questions to answer each morning and evening. The key is to experiment and find a method that works best for you, making journaling a regular habit that fits into your daily routine.
The Most Important Thing You Have to Do Today
Asking yourself the question, 'What is the most important thing you have to do today?' helps prioritize your tasks and focus your energy on what truly matters. It breaks the pattern of feeling overwhelmed by a long to-do list and helps you make more intentional choices. By consistently answering this question, you become better at decision making and find clarity in your goals. The emphasis is on choosing one important task each day and committing to it rather than trying to do everything. It shifts the focus from endless obligations to meaningful accomplishments.
Cultivating Gratitude
The practice of gratitude has powerful effects on mental and emotional well-being. Starting the day by focusing on one thing you deeply appreciate about your life helps counteract the brain's negativity bias. It directs your thoughts and mood towards positivity, which influences your actions and interactions with others. The benefits include improved sleep, increased energy, enhanced focus, reduced anxiety and depression symptoms, improved relationships, and a sense of fulfillment. Practicing gratitude regularly increases its effectiveness and helps you notice more positive aspects of your life.
Choosing the Qualities to Show the World
Asking yourself, 'What quality do I want to show the world today?' empowers you to intentionally decide how you want to be and act in various situations. It allows you to break free from reactive patterns and make conscious choices about your behavior. By visualizing and imprinting the desired quality into your mind, you increase the likelihood of exhibiting it throughout the day. Consistently asking this question helps develop self-awareness, improves relationships, and cultivates personal growth.
Reflecting on the Day and Learning
In the evening, reflecting on three questions helps you learn from your experiences. The first question, 'What went well today?' focuses on highlighting positive aspects and accomplishments, shifting your perspective towards a more optimistic mindset. The second question, 'What can I do differently tomorrow?' prompts self-assessment and identifies areas for improvement. The third question, 'What did I do for someone else today?' encourages kindness and compassion, fostering a sense of connection with people around you. By regularly reflecting on these questions, you gain self-awareness, improve decision-making, and enhance your overall well-being.
Today’s episode is a special episode that I have recorded all about the transformative power of journalling. Journalling is a practice that I’ve been recommending for many years. Doing it regularly can help improve sleep, lead to better decision making and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. It has also been shown to decrease emotional stress, make it easier to turn new behaviours into long term habits, improve the quality of our relationships and, ultimately, help us lead more mindful and intentional lives.
My hope is that this episode will help you understand the key benefits of journalling and some of the ways in which you can get started. The key - as with all new behaviours - is to experiment and find out what works best for you.
In order to celebrate the launch of my own journal ‘The 3 Question Journal’, I outline what I consider to be the three most impactful questions that you can ask yourself every morning and every evening. Answering these questions will take less than 5 minutes, but doing so can prove transformative. Journalling helps you step outside of your life, in order to reflect on your life. And so, whatever your current goals are, the path towards them becomes clearer.
Journalling is a practice that I myself do regularly and my hope is that this episode inspires you to start.
DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.