NICK WALKER: Welcome to Manage This, the podcast by project managers for project managers. This is our chance to meet with you and talk about the nuts and bolts of project management and what matters most to you as a professional project manager, whether it’s getting certified or simply doing the job of project management. We hear from some of the leaders in the industry and draw on their experience. I’m your host, Nick Walker, and with me are the in-house experts, Andy Crowe and Bill Yates. And talk about experts, Andy, we certainly have one with us in the studio today.
ANDY CROWE: This is an exciting podcast for me, Nick, and I’m not sure I’ve ever looked forward to one more than this. So this is a real treat.
NICK WALKER: Wow. That is saying a lot. Eric Norman has consulted and led projects and business process improvement efforts at AT&T, at Sprint, Delta Airlines, Cox Communications, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just to name a few. He’s a frequent presenter at national and international trade conferences and is a recognized authority on program management practice. Eric, welcome to Manage This.
ERIC NORMAN: Thank you, Nick. Thank you, Bill and Andy. I’m thrilled to be here.
NICK WALKER: Eric, you sort of have a unique role in all of this. A lot of your work has been in the area of developing standards for the industry, but also in performance of a particular role. Given your extensive background, give us a little brief overview of your current role in project management.
ERIC NORMAN: I actually have two roles. One is an employment-type role; the other is volunteer. So from an employment perspective, when I’m working with clients and working with leaders, I’m focused on alignment of strategy in the organization with the delivery of the initiatives that they have. On the volunteer side, I’ve had a lot of experience with standards, as you mentioned.
But most recently I’m working on the Certification Governance Council. The Governance Council is a subcommittee of PMI’s Board of Directors, and it oversees the strategy and governance of PMI certifications, the eight certifications. So we look historically at what has happened with the development of certifications over the course of PMI’s history. And we look out into the future five years, 10 years, 15, 20 years; and we talk about how to manage what we have currently as a family of certifications, and what does the marketplace demand coming forward. And that’s a fairly active interaction between PMI’s Global Operations Center, the staff, CEO and all the vice presidents and staff at PMI, but also the Board of Directors who oversee that staff.
So it’s a very active and interesting role; and I get to see the relationship between certifications, the performance of the role, and the standards that kind of guide that performance.
ANDY CROWE: Eric, just to clarify, earlier you used the word “performance.” So you’re not looking at the performance of the certification, you’re looking at the performance of the role? Is that correct?
ERIC NORMAN: We actually are looking – both.
ANDY CROWE: So what does that mean? What does the performance of the certification mean from your standpoint? What do you track?
ERIC NORMAN: PMI – you could think of the certifications for PMI as products. PMI has three major components of their product set. They have knowledgeware, which are standards and things of that nature.
ANDY CROWE: ...being a prime example flagship.
ERIC NORMAN: Absolutely. And it is the flagship. The other standards, the practice standards and the guides – so the knowledgeware and the publications that PMI is also involved in. The second big component is membership.
ERIC NORMAN: So there is a large effort to always manage the members and their experience and those things.