The podcast discusses finding peace and embracing 'okayness' through a meditation on being okay. It also reflects on Advent and waiting for Jesus, emphasizing the importance of waiting in silence and experiencing his presence in the present.
Embrace the present moment and recognize our inherent okayness in the midst of busyness and uncertainty.
Advent is about embracing stillness, listening, and finding comfort in the waiting and listening, as the divine presence is always with us.
Deep dives
The Power of Being Okay
In the midst of the busyness and uncertainty of December, we often question if everything will be okay. The podcast reflects on the childlike question of being okay and proposes the revolutionary idea of embracing okayness just for now. It encourages listeners to find solace in the present moment and recognize that even in the waiting and listening, we are okay. The longer we pause, the more we realize our inherent okayness.
Advent as a Time of Waiting and Listening
The podcast redefines Advent as not only waiting for Jesus to be born, but also waiting in the silence for how Christ lives presently. It suggests that Advent is about embracing stillness, listening, and being present in the here and now. Even in moments of uncertainty and feeling not okay, the message emphasizes that we can find comfort and assurance in the waiting and listening, as the divine presence is always with us.
Today, I need to slow down for just a few minutes to take a breath, to take a beat here in the middle of December. And so I want to offer you a four minute and thirty-eight second meditation for being okay. It's from one of the Advent collections in The Quiet Collection app called Compassion. It's track eight, named simply Okay. It's one of the simpler ones, but it's one I personally return to over and over again. Listen in.