Are you truly aware of the hidden factors holding you back in life? In this episode, we delve into the profound impact of early experiences and unnoticed emotional wounds on our lives. Christina Rasmussen explores how our brains react to past traumas and the invisible losses we endure—losses that can subtly shape our self-worth and relationships.
Christina Rasmussen is an acclaimed grief educator and bestselling author. In 2010, four years after her thirty-five-year-old spouse passed away from Stage 4 colon cancer, she created the Life Reentry process, which launched her on a mission to bring compassion, grace, and validation to thousands, while simultaneously establishing an exit from what she termed the Waiting Room. Christina holds a master’s degree in guidance and counseling (University of Durham). She is currently finishing her master of fine arts degree in painting and drawing (Academy of Art).
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TIMESTAMPS 2:37 Christina’s Inspiration
7:41 The Waiting Room
12:41 Life Reentry Model
24:17 Staying True to Ourselves
36:00 Finding Joy
38:57 Examples of Invisible Losses
55:00 Final Message
The video version of this interview is available on YouTube: Episode 261.