Explore storytelling tools including social media, podcasts, graphics, gifs, and memes. Learn how to use Instagram stories for engaging storytelling and the power of visual storytelling through graphics and images. Discover the significance of storytelling and the various tools available in different mediums.
Instagram Stories can be a powerful tool for storytelling by creating a narrative using text and screenshots of articles.
Motion graphics and animation are effective tools for storytelling, combining text, images, and graphics to engage viewers.
Deep dives
Using Instagram Stories for Engaging Storytelling
In a podcast episode, the host discusses using Instagram Stories as an engaging tool for storytelling. By screenshotting portions of an article and including text, the host creates a narrative that captivates the audience. Starting with a black screen labelled 'Story Time' and ending with a call-to-action, this method receives positive engagement and responses from followers.
Exploring the Abundance of Storytelling Tools
The podcast episode highlights the wide range of storytelling tools available today. From video platforms like Instagram and Facebook, to audio platforms like podcasts and flash briefings, to text-based platforms like books, articles, and social media posts, there are ample opportunities to tell stories in various formats. The host emphasizes the challenge of learning how to utilize these tools effectively and encourages all individuals to tap into their creativity and train their storytelling muscle.
Using Motion Graphics and Animation in Storytelling
Motion graphics and animation are powerful tools for storytelling, as discussed in the podcast episode. By combining text, images, and graphics, a story can be conveyed effectively. The host provides examples such as using short videos with text and images to tell stories on social media platforms, creating GIFs or memes to comment and express emotions, and utilizing slide decks or slide shows to take audiences on a journey. These visual tools enhance storytelling and engage viewers or readers.
What’s up and welcome! On this episode of the Storytelling lab, we explore storytelling tools. With everything available at the touch of a screen, we have so many different ways to receive and to tell stories. Listen in to see how you can use social media, podcasts, graphics, gifs, and memes as a tools for storytelling!