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On Hens, Eggs, Temperatures and CO2: Causal Links in Earth’s Atmosphere
Show Notes:Questions:
High A1C
Brenna writes:
Hello from Minnesota.
I'm an active 38yr young full time mom to two boys, 5 and 3. And I have an A1c problem. This isn't a new problem, so I cant blame it on my still occasionally disrupted sleep. Years before my kids my A1C was 5.7 and as a dietitian I couldn't for the life of me figure out why. At that time I lifted weights, occasionally swam, and ran 1-2x wk. I didn't eat 100% paleo, but I also didn't eat junk and I was relatively lean around 14-16% body fat. I worked with a naturopath on some hormone issues (low estrogen and progesterone from not eating enough to fuel exercise), and she never had a good answer as to why my a1c was on the high side of normal. The only factor we found was my fasting insulin was kinda low at 3. I did get my A1c down into the 4s following a keto diet, but was again not eating enough food to maintain my weight or support hormone production and lost my period. I used a CGM for a while and nothing surprising came from it other than sweet potatoes = giant spikes but pasta and white potatoes do not.
Fast forward to now, I'm 5'3" 124# and guessing around 18% body fat. I started competing in Kettlebell Sport 2yr ago and I want to continue getting stronger so I can lift 16kg bells this coming year. My coach wants me to put on 3-5# of muscle. But my recent A1C once again at 5.7 has me scared to eat the 180-200g of carbs recommended by him and most fitness calculators. I'm in a hypertrophy phase for the next couple months and lifting heavy 4x wk with no real cardio.
Daily food is often a high protein/fiber smoothie with about 30-40g of carb and 10+g fiber. Post workout I usually have a cup of cereal or kids cliff bar + whey protein powder. Lunch is usually a big ass salad + a piece of bread or leftovers meat and veg with rice, pasta, potato. When I track these days I do get 130-150g protein.
I have a dietitian friend who has gone through Joel Greens program and she believes the issue lies in my gut and that underlying inflammation is disrupting my insulin signaling. Because we cant come up with any other ideas as to the cause. So what's a girl todo? Keto gains? Lean Gains? Jason Seib's old AltShift diet? Joel Greens 2 day core? How do I eat enough calories to support my goals of strength and maintaining my hormone levels, while simultaneously not overeating carbs. Or is 5.7 good enough?
Thanks for any thoughts you might have.
Proper Supplement Absorption
Angie writes:
I’m looking for solid information on vitamin and supplement absorption and best time of day to be taken.
Can you shed light on this?
It is one thing to know or Rx for supplement but another when and with what to take or not take with it.
Great show! Thank you
What do you feed your dogs?
Jason writes:
I have been a fan of y’all since I read sacred cow, currently I’m reading wired to eat. I try to practice carnivore, but with life and kids I’m moderately successful, but overall happy with my diet choices.
I’m also a veterinarian and after reading your books and thinking about our 4 legged friends, I’m trying to figure out what diets to recommend. I have recommended canned food for cats for years because they are obligate carnivores. Dogs are a little tougher, I feel like they would benefit from the carnivore lifestyle, but who has time to cook for their pets that much? I barely have time to feed myself and family. So what do the wolf’s feed their dogs?
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Transcript:Coming soon...