Today, we're exploring ways to expand appreciative inquiry, a framework designed to empower students by focusing on their unique strengths, passions, and aspirations, beyond advising to all facets of campus. Joining us is the esteemed Dr. Jenny Bloom, a trailblazer in the field of educational leadership and the visionary behind the Office of Appreciative Education at Florida Atlantic University.
Dr. Bloom brings a wealth of experience and insight to the table, drawing from her extensive background as a tenured professor and former President of NACADA, the global community for academic advising professionals. In this conversation, Dr. Bloom shares the origins of Appreciative Advising, its profound impact on student success, and practical strategies for integrating appreciative inquiry across academic institutions. From the power of reflective questioning to the potential synergy between AI technology and human connection, Dr. Bloom offers a lot of great information for educators, advisors, and anyone passionate about fostering positive change in higher education.
Show Notes:
[2:34] - Jenny shares her background and how she found herself in her current position through an unusual journal.
[5:48] - The second she met with students in advising, she knew that it was exactly what she wanted to do for the rest of her career.
[7:17] - Many students come in not knowing exactly what they want to do, but even if a student has decided, things change.
[8:53] - Reflection is so crucial for students when making decisions, but for everyone as well in their careers.
[10:37] - Jenny explains how Appreciative Advising was developed and how the concept changed the trajectory of her own career.
[12:50] - What does Appreciative Advising look like in action?
[15:33] - This framework has spread and can be used in many different spaces. It’s all about building trust with other people.
[16:36] - The questions we ask matter. We can see potential in other people when we are curious instead of judgmental.
[18:34] - Sometimes, we need someone else to see our own potential to see it ourselves.
[22:28] - Part of advising is to make sure a student’s mind is open to change and possibilities they haven’t considered before.
[25:10] - The questions we ask through Appreciative Advising lead us to a student’s story.
[29:00] - Jenny describes some of the phases of Appreciative Advising.
[31:02] - By having a powerful framework, it can be used to guide interactions as well as onboard new employees.
[33:09] - The combination of AI support and human connection through Appreciative Advising has the potential to be very powerful.
[36:30] - AI can be used to help generate questions and shorten the learning curve of forming questions in an appreciative way.
[39:36] - When we use a SWAT approach, we tend to focus on the negatives. What happens when you take a SOAR approach?
[42:26] - Part of a strategic plan is the need to adapt and room for flexibility.
Links and Resources:
Office of Appreciative Education
Civitas Learning Website
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