In this episode I‘m joined by an entrepreneur, speaker and mentality coach that I’m sure you’ve seen before, Sabastian Enges. He and I chat about the #1 trait people want in leadership, how to handle your strengths AND your weaknesses, the generational difference in the office and the housing market, and how to better relate to people by UNDERSTANDING them better.
Episode Breakdown:
01:50 - Sebastian’s start on social
04:00 - To have impact, focus on a personal brand
06:00 - The #1 trait people want in a leader
08:12 - People don’t care about the topic, they care about what YOU think about it
11:00 - Failure is part of the path to success
14:00 - How to handle your weaknesses
17:25 - The generational difference for entrepreneurs
24:00 - Across generations, real estate still matters
32:10 - Understanding people is the key to relating to them
33:03 - Sebastian’s advice for real estate professionals
36:20 - The blind spot most business pro’s aren’t paying attention to
Throughout his career, Sabastian has remained dedicated to mentoring, coaching and creating opportunity for those around him. As he expands Felix’s nationwide reach, his focus is to continually improve the company’s business model with an ever-increasing emphasis on the education and development of the 300+ teammates. At the end of the day, his coaching mantra is that “If we can help people to think right, they will do right.”
Quantum Academy
Sabastian on Social
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