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I Want To Know

How The Danny Miranda Podcast Became Huge By Solely Focusing On Quality

Nov 1, 2023
Snipd AI
Danny Miranda, host of The Danny Miranda podcast, discusses his rise to success by focusing on quality. He shares tips on asking engaging questions, promoting a podcast on TikTok and YouTube, and finding surprising podcast guests. The conversation delves into the common traits of creator economy success stories and offers a creative formula for creators who prioritize quality. The podcast also explores the power of doing good things for others, the importance of audience support, and the significance of conducting good interviews and building trust.
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Quick takeaways

  • Dedication and transparency are key factors in building a strong and supportive audience in the podcasting world.
  • Audience growth in podcasting can be fueled by acts of goodwill and genuine efforts to help others without any expectation in return.

Deep dives

The Importance of Dedication and Transparency in Podcasting

Dedication and transparency are key factors in building a strong and supportive audience in the podcasting world. By showcasing a high level of dedication and passion for the craft, podcast hosts can attract and maintain a loyal following. Transparency, such as openly discussing research methods, can build trust and make listeners feel connected to the host. The audience appreciates the hard work and commitment put into creating a great show, and they become more invested in the host's success.

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