In this special year-in-review edition of "In AI we Trust?", co-hosts Kay Firth-Butterfield (@KayFButterfield) and Miriam Vogel (@VogelMiriam) take a look back at the key themes and insights from their conversations. From interviews with thought leaders, government officials and senior executives in the field, we explore progress and challenges from the past year in the quest for trustworthy AI. We also look ahead to what you can expect to see and encounter, including key issues that are likely to emerge in AI in 2023. Join us as we reflect and gear up for an exciting year in the accelerated path toward game-changing and responsible AI.
Materials mentioned in this episode:
Davos 2023, the World Economic Forum
A 72-year-old congressman goes back to school, pursuing a degree in AI, The Washington Post
Board Responsibility for Artificial Intelligence Oversight, Miriam Vogel and Robert G. Eccles, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance
5 ways to avoid artificial intelligence bias with 'responsible AI', Miriam Vogel and Kay Firth-Butterfield