Andrea Javor is just like you in so many ways. She's beautiful, smart and successful (works in marketing AND as a divorce coach). Andrea, like so many of us, had a broken picker. Her parents are wonderful, and she's surrounded by love, but healthy romantic love had always eluded her. She was divorced twice before she 'fixed her picker' and found love with Jason. Listen to this sweet story, and you'll not only be inspired, but pick up LOTS of nuggets that she drops for you! We will discuss:
-- The message that Andrea wished she got from her parents while growing up
-- Why she thought her first husband was IT, and how that QUICKLY unraveled.
--How she embarked on a BIG self-healing and learning journey, and found so much love within herself...
--How the years of therapy didn't fix her picker (oy)
--What happened in her second marriage? Why was it worse than the first?
--When she knew she had to do something different
--What she learned about HERSELF during date coaching -- and the root of her dating issues (spoiler alert--anxiety)...
--How she did NOT settle, and how her man is "old-school normal" and awesome
--How she met 'the one' and how we know this one is a KEEPER!
She is incredibly happy, and I love sharing these stories of hope with YOU. Please know that your time will COME to find love. Remember, no matter who you are, if you want it, love will come to YOU! It's a when, not an IF!
If you don't already, follow us on Instagram, where we have GREAT videos and reels of the podcast segments! Follow @smartdatingacademy