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The Daily

'The Interview': Gretchen Whitmer Wants a Gen X President — in 2028

Jun 22, 2024
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Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer reflects on her political journey, challenges faced by women in politics, a foiled kidnapping plot, school closures during the pandemic, Wordle Archive, reproductive rights, and the future political landscape in 2028. She discusses the importance of federal legislation to protect abortion rights, concerns about judicial integrity, and the need for common ground in politics post-Trumpism.
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Quick takeaways

  • Whitmer's success in flipping Michigan to blue and enacting progressive policies
  • Challenges faced as a female politician and addressing gender bias

Deep dives

Gretchen Whitmer's Political Rise and Achievements

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer's political journey is highlighted, starting from her election in 2018. She faced challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, becoming a national figure due to her restrictions. Whitmer achieved significant political wins in Michigan, flipping the state legislature to blue and enacting progressive policies like reproductive rights and clean energy plans.

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