#26: PLG? What's The Fuss?
Axel is back after a break with a refreshing conversation with Leah Tharin, a product leader and influencer who's regularly publishing impactful content on Product-Led Growth (PLG).
In this episode, Leah shares her view on Product-Led Growth, what it means, what it looks like when it's done well and the traps you'll want to avoid when rolling out a PLG playbook.
Where to find Leah
Where to find Axel
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Referenced in this episode:
Show notes and highlights
(02:03) Leah's background
(03:03) Product-Led Growth factions
(06:20) Everybody thinks they're product-centric
(08:19) The problem with existing approaches
(12:22) Thought leadership on PLG
(19:41) How companies win at PLG
(20:30) End-to-end product experience, a new playground
(25:24) Metrics and goal-setting in PLG
(26:22) Identifying success moments and value signals
(31:05) The missing piece
(35:05) PLG won't save you on its own
(36:53) Showing value ASAP
(46:15) Leah's Treasure Chest
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