From Kiss-up/Kick-downers, to Credit-Stealers, Bulldozers, Free-riders, Micromanagers, Neglectful bosses, and Gas-lighters, there are several types of “jerks” we may encounter in our lives, including within the schooling environment. We all have the capacity to be a jerk at work and to cause others problems, but how we recognise that in ourselves and those around us can really impact the flow of a team. Author Tessa West, a leading expert on interpersonal communication, sheds light on how to handle difficult colleagues with grace and professionalism. In this episode, we will explore the strategies outlined in her book and learn from our guest speakers' real-life examples
Tune in to our latest episode of the Leadership Bookclub podcast, where we discuss Tessa West's ground-breaking book, 'Jerks at Work.' Our esteemed guest speakers, Lynsey White (Assistant Headteacher at a school in Cornwall), and Shakiara Valu, (Head of Performing Arts and Drama at Collingwood College), will join Rachel Johnson, PiXL CEO, to share their experiences and insights on dealing with challenging personalities within different educational and workplace settings. Don't miss out on this exciting, informative, and truly vital conversation.
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PiXL Leadership Bookclub is a We Are In Beta production.
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