Mark Ritson is a columnist, consultant, professor and one of the most authoritative voices on marketing in the world. A proponent of marketing fundamentals and rejecter of consensus thinking, Mark has worked with some of the biggest brands in the world and through his teaching at some of the world’s top business schools and more recently the Marketing Week Mini MBA, he has helped thousands progress in their career.
In this episode of Marketing Week Meets, recorded at The Festival of Marketing, Mark answers the audience’s questions and tackles:
- Why CMOs need to talk about “making money first” and brand and customer satisfaction second if they want the respect of CFOs
- Why long-term brand building should be the job of agencies
- The coming Apocalypse in marketing caused by a lack of formal training among marketers
- His “despair” over the lack of appetite of British marketing professors for practical experience
- Having no major professional regrets and why he applies the 40/40/20 rule to making money