Refresh your finances this summer by developing a money mindset and seeking financial guidance. Learn strategies for saving money, cutting unnecessary expenses, and giving the gift of time. Explore tools for budgeting and investing and get tips on personal finance and money management.
Open discussions about money can lead to better financial decision-making.
Educating yourself about personal finance and changing financial habits can help improve your financial situation.
Deep dives
Importance of Getting Comfortable Talking About Money
Getting comfortable talking about money is crucial to improving your financial situation. As the speaker shares her personal experience, she explains that being raised to be private about money led to feelings of shame and not fully understanding finances. However, she emphasizes the importance of asking money-related questions, as it can save you money in the long run. Whether it's asking others how much they paid for something or seeking advice from a financial professional, open discussions about money can lead to better financial decision-making.
Educating Yourself About Personal Finance
To enhance your financial literacy, the speaker recommends educating yourself about personal finance. She suggests reading books on the topic that resonate with you, visiting the library or bookstore to find relevant resources. Additionally, she points out tools like and, which can help with budgeting and tracking finances. For those interested in investing, the speaker advises starting small and researching investment banks to find options that suit your needs and financial situation.
Changing Habits and Peer Pressure
The speaker encourages changing financial habits and overcoming peer pressure to spend money. She shares personal habits that have helped her save, such as avoiding convenient foods, maintaining belongings to extend their lifespan, and opting for homemade gatherings with friends instead of costly outings. She suggests carrying cash in social settings to set spending limits and surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals in a 'get money girl gang' to share financial tips and support each other's goals. Lastly, she reminds listeners that internal pressure can often contribute to overspending, and it's important to focus on personal goals and financial well-being rather than comparing oneself to others.
Refresh your finances this summer during this podcast series. Let's take some time and think about ways we can be more intentional about our finances this year.