With the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump approaching, our Global Head of Fixed Income and Public Policy Research weighs the impact for investors of his potential policy measures.
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Welcome to Thoughts on the Market. I’m Michael Zezas, Morgan Stanley’s Global Head of Fixed Income and Public Policy Research. Today on the podcast I'll be talking about what investors need to know about recent US policy developments.
It’s Wednesday, Jan 8th, at 2:30pm in New York.
In less than two weeks, Donald Trump will again become the sitting President of the United States. The economic and market consequences of the policies he might enact, either on his own or in concert with the Congress, continue to be an important debate for investors. Our view has been that the sequencing and severity of policy choices across tariffs, taxes, immigration, and regulation would be very meaningful to the market's outlook.
So, have we learned anything from news around the policy discussions inside the incoming administration and congressional leaders? Let’s consider it here and level set.
First, there‘s been news about Republicans debating their approach to legislating some of President Trump’s top policy priorities. That debate centers around whether to create one big bill around taxes, immigration, and a host of other issues or to break it into multiple bills. Leading with immigration reforms, where there may be more consensus within Republicans’ slim Congressional majority; and then following it up with tax cuts and extensions, which may take more time to negotiate given myriad interests. While investors have asked us about this debate quite a bit, the distinction between the approaches may not make much of a difference to investors.
At the end of the day, what should matter most to markets is the timing and size of the fiscal impact driven by tax changes. Going with one big bill may seem faster, but we’re reminded of the saying ‘Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed.’ In other words, that one big bill would probably only pass as fast as Republicans could agree on its toughest negotiating points – so likely not very soon.
As for the size of fiscal impact, we continue to see consensus around extending most of the tax cuts that expire at the end of 2025, with some new benefits, like a domestic manufacturing tax credit. So, there should be some fiscal expansion in 2026, a few hundred billion dollars in our view; but this is meaningfully different than the trillions of dollars that the media cites when discussing the whole of the tax policy wish list.
There’s also been some news on the approach to tariffs, but again it seems more noise than signal. Recent media reports are that Trump might adopt a tariff plan focused on specific products as opposed to a blanket approach on all imports. Trump denied the report via social media. But even if he hadn’t, it's unclear that such a plan could be executed quickly through existing executive powers or through legislation, where it's far from clear that tariffs could be enacted given Democrats' opposition and procedural barriers from budget reconciliation. So, our view remains that new tariffs will likely be enacted but through executive authority – which means a phased-in focus on China and Europe in 2025; and any new authorities developed via existing laws might not be enactable until 2026. So said more simply, the impact of tariffs on the economy may be a late 2025 into 2026 story.
Putting it together for investors: So far, the news flow hasn’t materially changed our view on the US policy path. Yes, important policy changes are coming, but their implementation may be slow. That should mean that, to start 2025, the healthy fundamentals of the US economy should help drive risk markets, namely U.S. equities and corporate credit, to outperform. If we’re wrong and, for example, tariffs are implemented in larger magnitude at a quicker pace, then it may be a year where less risky assets, like government bonds, outperform.
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