In the previous episode I shared “What My Dad’s Pending Death Can Teach Us About Living.” (visit his tribute page Today I highlight a message my mom feels burdened with during this acute time of life. Death gets us serious about what is really important, and this is a message she wants to communicate to everyone, and it’s a message I feel is worthy of communicating. More than worthy. I believe it’s the key, literally, to how you can most tangibly change the world and impact it for the better. My mom is Joanne Miller. She prides herself most on being Mom to myself, my brother Jared, and sister Ashley. And then grandmother to her 16 grandkids and 4, soon to be 5, great grandkids. She is well known as wife and partner to my Dad, Dan Miller, of 48 Days To The Work & Life You Love fame. She is also mother figure and friend to countless people. Those roles are top of the list. Further down, yet quite impressive, she is author of two books, Be Your Finest Art and Creating A Haven Of Peace. She has co-produced a lot of material with my Dad at, like the Living, Loving & Working audio that any entrepreneurial couple should hear. And she is an accomplished artists who has participated in many galleries and has a lot of paid-for paintings hanging on people’s walls. Including mine, though she didn’t make me pay. She is a tremendous human who I cherish deeply.
You can watch this full episodes on YouTube - just search for “What Drives You with Kevin Miller”
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*This podcast is rated clean but the subject matter is adult themed and may not be suitable or relevant for children or those with fragile belief systems.
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