When Katie first joined our Membership Community last fall, she has already been through the gamut of TMS symptoms since childhood. Raised in a family affected by alcoholism, Katie as the oldest child was parentified from a young age. Although she was stricken with pretty serious TMS growing up, Katie always showed up with a brave face. At home, nothing was discussed. At school, she shined. This, of course, can't last forever - no human can take it. Join us today for a profound and impactful RTH where Katie shares her story thus far, and then we delve together into the places that might be keeping her stuck. I love these opportunities to move the needle on healing, and I feel confident that Katie will continue to ascend up her own mountains. Enjoy! XOOX n.
Sign up for my Membership Community on my Website (3 hour ZOOM with me once a month and separate monthly Q&A Hang with me alongside private online community where I answer your personal questions):
If you are interested in supporting the many free resources I offer to get this message to the global community, please consider donating to my cause on my website, www.thecureforchronicpain.com. Look for the DONATE button on the home page. Thank you so much!