In this episode we discuss parenting children on the spectrum with Naomi and Mike Bird. Naomi Bird is Assistant Children’s and Family minister at her local church and a connect leader with MOPS Australia, and Mike Bird is an academic dean and lecturer in theology at Ridley College, Melbourne. Over the course of our conversation Naomi and Mike share their experience of parenting their son, Markus, who is on the Autism spectrum. They address the joys and challenges of parenting Markus, what’s been most helpful and unhelpful in the process of parenting him, and what they have learned about God through Markus. They stress the importance of recognizing that everyone is made in the image of God, and that within the Church we are all members of the Body of Christ with unique giftings and experiences. Team members on the episode from The Two Cities include: Dr. John Anthony Dunne, Stephanie Kate Judd, Rev. Dr. Chris Porter, and Dr. Sydney Tooth. Get bonus content on Patreon