"Part of the reason I stay super busy is bc if I stop to rest l'll ruminate. And if I ruminate, I start spiraling. And if I spiraling I'm like a nosediving plane" Sound familiar? Discover the ANSWER to WHY you get stuck in your most annoying perfectionist tendencies, like ruminating, catastrophizing, overthinking every small mistake etc.
Plus the 6 reasons your perfectionist brain holds on to outdated habits, how chronic stress impacts your brain’s ability to change, the role of back and white thinking in reinforcing unhelpful neural pathways, why past experiences trick your brain into seeing danger everywhere and how to stop your worries from becoming self-fulfilling prophecies.
On paper, you’ve got it together— isn’t it time you felt like it? Whether it's becoming much more DECISIVE in everything you do, stop playing out worst case scenarios in your head or JOYFULLY PRESENT AMBITIOUS again, Perfectionism Optimized, private 1-1 coaching gives you the life-long skills to *finally feel* as amazing on the inside as your life looks on the outside. Get your stress-free start today at https://courtneylovegavin.com/rewire
00:00–How to finally take charge of ruminating
02:16–Missed the last episode? Here’s a quick recap
04:06–What happens when your brain gets it wrong
06:09–Why perfectionist brains resists learning from mistakes
07:40–6 sneaky reasons your brain ignores new info
08:23–How chronic stress keeps your brain stuck
10:20–Why your brain clings to old patterns
11:42–The hidden reason you avoid discomfort
12:51–When your brain blows things out of proportion
13:49–How black-and-white thinking is like wearing blinders
15:19–Why past experiences warp your reactions
19:34–How to update your brain so you can get unstuck
21:09–One small shift to start seeing change today The first step in rewiring
Resources Mentioned In Episode 250:
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Perfectionism Rewired is committed to truth and accuracy through a perfectionist affirming lens, offering cutting-edge research on perfectionism, interoception + neuroscience, for the practical perfectionist who wants to enjoy the life they've worked so hard to create.